See faster results from your workout

Whether your goal is to lose weight, increase your stamina, or to improve your muscle mass, understanding how your body responds to exercise can help you achieve your fitness goals faster. Genovate is here to make meeting your ideal body faster and easier.

DNA Fitness Test ($249;

If you are looking to get the most out of what precious time you can devote to exercise, you should think about taking this test.

Once you purchase the Genovate kit, you will receive a set of swabs to collect your DNA and a pre-paid return envelope to easily send back your DNA to the lab. Around 7 to 10 business days after your test is received in the lab, you will be able to view your results online to find out how you can tailor your exercise routines to get fitter faster.

Your DNA report will provide you with actionable genetic insight on key genes linked to your endurance ability, power potential, and your metabolic response to exercise. It will also provide you with personalized recommendations based on your DNA on the types of fitness activities that you should incorporate into your workout. Get the most out of your workout with customized exercise plans.

Genovate also offers other actionable genetic tests that focus on health and wellness, lifestyle, food sensitivities, and ancestry. You can find them in our science store or visit Genovate to find more information.

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