Is there a cheating gene or is it just an excuse?

We all agree that infidelity is wrong. Then how can we explain the statistic of 1 in 5 men having a sexual encounter with someone other than their partner while married? Genovate is here to help you uncover whether your need to seek extra-pair mating may be influenced by your DNA. Their Male Pair-Bonding Gene test determines if genetic variation may be behind your infidelity.

Male Pair-Bonding Gene AVPR1A Test ($149;
Men with this variant are less likely to get married and experience more marital crises or divorce. Their spouses report feeling less affection and consensus in their marriage.

Once you purchase the Genovate kit, you will receive a set of swabs to collect your DNA and a pre-paid return envelope to easily send back your DNA to the lab. Around 7 to 10 business days after your test is received in the lab, you will be able to view your results online.

Your DNA report will provide you with detailed information on how the male pair-bonding gene is detected, and its link to the chemical messenger vasopressin.

Genovate also offers other actionable genetic tests that focus on health and wellness, lifestyle, and ancestry. You can find them in our science store or visit Genovate to find more information.

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