Know your risk of heart disease

Cardiovascular disease claims the lives of almost 17 million each year, the risks for which can be modified with simple lifestyle changes. Genovate is here to help you determine your genetic risk of cardiovascular disease with three simple steps.

DNA Cardiovascular Health Test ($349;

Genetics can influence your risk of cardiovascular disease, so if you have a family history of heart disease, you may want to consider taking this test.

After you purchase the Genovate kit, you will receive swabs to collect your DNA and a pre-paid return envelope to easily send back your DNA to the lab. Around 7 to 10 business days after your test is received in the lab, you will be able to view your results online to determine if your DNA puts you at an increased risk of cardiovascular disease.

Your DNA report will include detailed information on how genetic variants contribute to your triglyceride, LDL “bad” cholesterol, and HDL “good” cholesterol levels and how these modifications impact your heart health. It will also give your personalized recommendations based on scientific studies on preventative actions you can take today to modify your risk of cardiovascular disease.

Genovate also offers other actionable genetic tests that focus on health and wellness, lifestyle, food sensitivities, and ancestry. You can find them in our science store or visit Genovate to find more information.

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